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It was thirty meters long

And slick black like a sound

I saw a dragon in the hills

And I did not wait for him to come ‘round


I run to the village, 

On naked feet flung by fright

I dashed in the nearest tavern

And asked, “Is anyone was a knight?”


But it was only the barkeep, 

And a plump waitress, his wife, 

Who shushed me, in response

And pushed me out into the night


So I fell to the dirt-street confused, 

And worse, also embarrassed,

But my muddied feet take me down the road

straight to the King’s barracks


“There’s a dragon in the hills!”

I screamed to the guards,

But he just laughed and poked me away,

With his spiked polearm,


“What do you protect?” I ask,

“If not the village from such lizards?”

“I’ll not fight a dragon,” he says

“You, boy, need to find the wizard!”


“Ain’t no wizards in Rotham!”

“Boy, that’s where you’re wrong,”

“Take my helmet, and my armor,” 

“find the wizard and the dragon’ll be gone.”


“Set off to the Hills!” Went on the guard,

Without armor, he looked indecent,

And as I set off, I take a look back,

To find the guards keeled over and heaving


“There’s a dragon in the hills,” they laugh

And this boy is on the case!”

“Three cheers for the boy and the wizard

Who will, the dragon, victoriously chase!”


Paul James Abreau 




I was born the day Don Diogenese Mendez died,

he might have been a good man,

that I will never know.


I was born under a silver sheet metal roof,

blue painted walls that witnessed my grandparents

early mornings and late nights of hard work.

The house where 13 children were raised.


I was born to a 17 year old mother,

on a small bed with the help of a housewife.

before thr rooster crowed, before the sunrise,

before my Mom could fulfill her dreams.


I was born upside down, like the town

believed boys were supposed to be born.

My mother's brave eyes in tears welcomed me

without a doubt, the paradise of hazel eyes

where I sheltered myself, forever.


Angie Guzman Diaz



for Gabriel Fernandez 


nothing for breakfast

bb pellets for dimples 

kitty litter for lunch

cracked ribs for talking too much

teeth for batting practice

who needs teeth when there’s vomit for dinner


when you put me in a box

rope for hands

sacks for mouth

skull for fractures

I know mommy


I should never have told you

my nightmares were safer


Hiram Lorenzen





w/ your luring skin

w/ your deceptive grin

Embracing colors of Nurture.


Turn your back w/ a slither of moaning nonsense.

The unbothered grunt of relief

embedded guilt of a thief

And shake and break

Our weird melody of pain.

Desire to be touched.

Winter rain.

Wading through the blood bath.

A forest.

A rustle of cut words, lost



Danae Miranda





Kick kick kick

All you do is move and make

another stomachache 

to make a statement. 


Wait wait wait

I move carefully, ready to create.

Another hour passes, ready to elevate.

You should’ve arrived? You’re late. 


Beep beep beep

The machine won’t let me be great.

I can’t sleep, move a beat or eat.

You’re taking your time today.


Cut cut cut

They remove you, using a blade.

There is a cry and I know I can

create a life that will take a breath. 


Hate hate hate

They made sure to pass the hate.

“Maybe you’d never get to bake.” But

my little loaf came out well-made. 


Love love love

The air you sneeze, the way you breathe,

the life I see, your little feet. 

A love grows with each kiss.

Another soul to match my bliss. 


Hope hope hope

For a better world for you to conquer. 

Your eyes shine bright with curiosity,

a tadpole, floating with such velocity. 


Rosanny Suazo




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