CCNY Poetry Outreach Center
Melanin, is a beautiful thing to embrace
We got the looks
We got iconic style
We got culture that shines like the brightest diamonds
We got skin that when it’s in the light,
it complements our skin like no other
You may wish that you had melanin
However, do you really want melanin?
Because without a doubt, having this luscious melanin
comes with many challenges
With having melanin,
we’re stereotyped as criminals
We can’t sleep at night without fearing that
today might be our last day on this earth
We can’t take a jog in the park
without being shot by a cop
And why do we get shot?
Well, the answer is quite easy to figure out
The answer, we’re Black
We’re not seen as humans
We’re not seen as people who deserve
an ounce of mercy
or the right to be heard
Instead, we’re silenced
We get outspoken
Our cries are ignored
It’s honestly sad, if you really think about it
Because fellow Black kids like me have to be told that
we’re not equal
One wrong move
One wrong thing said
Our tone of voice
Our body language
Can simply cost our life.
And within a matter of seconds
we can go from being alive and well
to laying on the floor bleeding out
taking our last breath
crying because we’re not ready to go
We’re not ready to see the look of our mother’s face
when they hear that their child has been murdered
by the injustice of our system
We don’t want to go out in the hands of a cop
Or a White person who’s angry that we’re finally
using our voice to our advantage
So, when you say that you wish you had melanin in you
think to yourself,
would I be ready to face
the challenges of melanin?
P368K Star Academy
They found a little courage
that simmered in the sun.
They blended it with patience,
and just a spice of fun.
They poured in hope and laughter.
And then with a sudden twist
they stirred it all together
and made an Optimist!
P368K Star Academy
A woman filled with scorn
is a woman that is torn.
She is tired and worn.
She tries to be tough and spiky as a thorn.
She knows she hasn’t won,
but she still rises like the sun.
Because although she went through a ton,
she knows well her journey is not done.
Her pain and suffering is heard.
Her fears and worries are blurred.
Her passion and fire is stirred.
She is free and happy as a bird.
For God has heard her call,
since He is above us all.
She never stopped to bawl,
through it all, she’s standing tall.
P368K Star Academy
Let’s get some food, dude!
It’ll make us go poo
Because of a ghost that’ll will say boo!
Don’t be so rude, and just take a bite of food.
You may think my poem has no rhyme or reason.
Well, it surely has rhyme
It also has reasoning
You see, it put a smile on my face
Humor was used as its seasoning.
Hope it put a smile on your face
And it suits your taste!
P368K Star Academy
When I hear the sound of your melody,
I feel like we have chemistry.
In this special way, I want to honor you,
And tell how the guitar grew, in Hispanic culture.
In the 1800’s, Spanish guitar maker Antonio Torres
created a guitar like a magical sculpture,
that sang sounds of glory around the land,
when stroked by a human hand.
His design started the way
for the modern guitar that is a blessing today.
We listen to the beauty of its blues,
It’s a calling that we can’t refuse.
We are proud to be Hispanics.
Our Spanish and Hispanic guitar music keeps us strong.
Its melody is haunting, like the theme song of Titanic.
The music is in our minds and soul.
It makes me lose control.
When I play the guitar, I feel whole.
I feel the joy of parties, family reunions, and my birthday.
Si, your beautiful magic I will bring alive.
Every time I play,
my worries go away, and I survive.
P368K Star Academy
La vida a veces puede ser dura,
Hay días tristes,
Dias de amargura
días felices,
Pero cada herida se cura,
Y algunas quedan
La vida no se trata del más que tenga,
Quien es mejor,
Se trata de luchar
Contra lo que venga,
Y superar
Cada dolor.
Giovannie Negrón
CAPA, 9th Grade
Querido, COVID 19
Eres un idiota
No te soporto
Quisiera patearte
Eres un egoísta
Te lo quieres llevar todo
Tienes que calmarte
Queremos disfrutar la vida,
Deja de manifestarte
Espero la cura,
Para que te vayas
Junto a ella, La cuarentena
La tóxica,
La posesiva
Se apoderó del mundo
Como diosa, que manda
Deja decirte que no,
No más
Mi vida no es tuya,
Lo que siento por ti y tu familia es desprecio
Deseo que mueras
Y quedes cien pies bajo tierra.
Alanis Cordero
CAPA, 12th Grade
Ya me canse de ver las mismas cuatro paredes
Ya me canse de la misma monotonía.
Ya me canse de la mascarilla.
Ya me canse del distanciamiento social.
Ya me canse de no poder ir a la escuela.
Ya me canse de la computadora.
Ya me canse del internet.
Ya me canse de la pandemia.
Ya me canse de que el gobierno nos mienta.
Ya me canse de que no encuentren la maldita cura.
Ya me canse de todo.
Ya me canse de las redes.
Alanis Cordero
CAPA, 12th Grade
Black lives matters, sabes por qué?
Porque esos negros que mueren
Tienen familia también
Mientras ellos pierden su vida
El mundo gira
Como quiera y cuando menos te lo esperas
Una noticia te acelera…
Al oir que otra persona de color
Fue asesinada
Black lives matters, sabes por qué?
Vivimos en un mundo
Donde la piedad carece
Agentes matan inocentes
Miles de familias enloquecen
Y nadie arregla nada
Para que esta sociedad prospere
Y se pueda vivir en paz
Sin importar tu raza
Tu color de piel
Y de dónde vienes
Fabian Novoa
CAPA, 12th Grade